Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 16: Scobles' Pillars

According to Scoble, there are five elements, or “pillars,” as he calls them, that have made blogs popular and hot. The first is “ease of publishing.” This means that it is very easy and simple to get what your ideas published. Anyone with internet access can post their beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. The second pillar is “discoverability.” Blogs have tags, links, and many other ways to discover new concepts. The third pillar is “cross-site conversations.” Blogs allow people to comment and post to what you have to say. This makes for an interesting conversation and attracts many. “Permalinking” is the fourth pillar. This means that all blogs and posts have a URL and every one can be accessed easily. Finally, “syndication” makes up the fifth pillar. Syndication is when users subscribe to other users’ posts. All five pillars make blogs user friendly and enjoyable to many. This is why blogs are so “hot” these days.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Correct explanation of pillars, good. Give title of work and in-text citations.